Rubielos de Mora, ‘Pórtico de Aragón’ is located in the southern area of the Gudar-Javalambre region, and his visit makes us understand why it was declared in 1980, a Historic Artistic Complex, being awarded the Europa Nostra prize in 1983, In addition to obtaining the distinction of ‘Most beautiful towns in Spain’ in 2013.
Popular architecture leaves an example of eaves, knockers, fittings, wood and stone, leaving the stamp of other times, frozen in time. It is for all this that Rubielos de Mora does not leave anyone who visits him indifferent, being the duende of his poetry written in stone and iron, the one who claims him for his return.
Traditional architecture is reviewed in contemporary terms to achieve an integrated house that is consistent with its historical moment.
The exterior façade adheres to the language, materiality, tones and proportions of the blind and void established by its surroundings. The façade and dividing wall of the house are filled by completing the façade alignments, following the guidelines of the old town. From the street, one cannot intuit the strategy used in the heart of the house. An interior patio is generated as its own universe to which the house turns.